Instruction :
প্রথম ধাপ : প্রথমে Click Here to Get access Token ক্লিক করে OK দিন। তারপর লাল কালিতে লেখা Success নামের একটা পেজ আসবে। পেজের লিনকটি কপি করুন।
তারপর Back দিয়ে আগের পেজে চলে আসুন। Submit লেখা দেখতে পাবেন। সাবমিট এর উপরের বক্সে আপনি আগে যে লিনকটি কপি- করে ছিলেন সেটি পেস্ট করে সাবমিট করুন।
তারপর দেখবেন ওখানে আপনার স্ট্যাটাস ও ফটো গুলো দেখা যাচ্ছে। স্ট্যাটাস গুলোর ডানপাশে Submit লেখা দেখতে পাবেন। আপনি যেই স্ট্যাটাসে লাইক চান সেটাতে সাবমিট দিন। ব্যাস আপনার স্ট্যাটাসে বা ফটোতে পেয়ে গেলেন অটোলাইক। এভাবে প্রতি ১৫ মিনিট পর পর আপনি অটোলাইক নিতে পারবেন।
How Does It Work
Facebook is the world's largest social community with over 900 million users. The total population of USA is equal to the total population of Facebook and around 10 million of that total population are Facebook developers who creates amazing apps for Facebook users. These can be for websites or for Facebook. In this tutorial i will explain you the procedure for publishing the likes on status, photo, link or any custom post. The like publishing API is used in app likes Facebook for mobiles, for example when likes a status then this API is used to show that like on other's status. Likes can only be published on the posts which are public, and according to the new privacy anyone means any Facebook user can make his/her status public without changing their date of birth. You can only publish likes using the access token. Persons who know about access token that's ok for them but I'm explaining below for the Peoples who don't know access token. Access Tokens: The access token is long URL string that enables a developer to access the profile of the user that has allowed the app. Let me explain this more clearly, because most of the Peoples here are noob. There are two persons one is Ryan and the other one is Arun, Ryan is a Facebook app developer and Ryan is a normal user. Ryan created a Facebook app and said Arun to use that, when Arun allowed access to that app in his profile, he simply allowed Ryan to his profile. Now Ryan can publish status, like status, comment on status using Arun's account without password. So it's important that you should not allow any unwanted app in personal Facebook profile. Hope you understanded about access tokens if not then please checkout This Page post. Now let's go to the main point.
How To Publish? dialog/oauth? redirect_uri=http:// YOUR___WEBSITE___ URL&scope=publish_actions %2Cuser_photos% 2Cfriends_photos %2Cuser_activities%2Cuser_likes %2Cuser_status%2Cfriends_status %2Cpublish_ stream%2Cread_stream %2Cstatus_ update&response_type=token&client_id=ENTER____ APP_____ID login_ success.html#access_ token=CAACIS9ZC8nioBANrDcOl3JjglJw2 AVMNhGxWeaZCXPWZA6I5M6aODjoP3xmd3 rmtSZBWn80y7dksrjdfX2sIGeKh3YTkA2 wQgNLwVrQZB5rra4yZAqPdoiwC6TiCqbAU9 GWGtwTzVFxFLCZBGBbSVZARYPZCyUSyfbuSlLvr4 nWQqUxV9wsFDU0eXnq6PAlIy9UWQLWhfgYZCZA1 AZDZD&expires_in=0 https:// method=post&access_token=USER- TOKEN likes likes? method=post&access_token=USER- TOKEN
An app can publish a like action, on behalf of the user, as long as the following conditions are true. The viewer of the in-app content is a Facebook user who has Facebook- authed and granted the app publish_actions permission. The in- app content has an Open Graph object page that is properly marked- up using Open Graph meta tags The viewer has intentionally clicked on a custom in-app “like button” associated with the in-app content. You can also publish likes using post method by issuing this URL You need to access this resource in Post method With proper aceess_token or In Get method.If you face any trouble just shoot an comment below.